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 Citorak Rage.

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Citorak Rage. Empty
PostSubject: Citorak Rage.   Citorak Rage. EmptySun Mar 14, 2010 8:55 pm

Citorak Rage. Juggernaut

Juggernaut Tutorial

Description: Juggernaut, one of the most mocked characters in SFO existence.. Due to his low speed and very powerful attacks Juggernaut has been forced down to the bottom of the active character food chain. But, what many people seem to miss is that Juggernaut can counter act almost every character in SFO today. It's all in the game play.

Positives: Great Strength, Juggernaut punch goes through projectiles, Corner game is great, Can keep opponent where he wants them. Citorak Power up Raises Str, Speed, and HP. Head Crush break projectiles and travels across full screen.

Negitives: When in the corner it's hard to get out. Big size = Big Downfall. High Jump is not reliable. Many of his moves leave him open for Projectile specials. Hard to stop RD. Very hard to regain control of a match once lost.


To begin using Juggernaut you must first understand how/what his moves are for. So here I'll explain each use of his pokes. specials, and supers.

Double Punch: Very useful against Shotos. Goes through projectiles, Very nice range, and if timed right once in the air can be unblock-able and begin an infinite [ who know sfo had those? ]

EarthQuake: Juggernauts only projectile, Fairly good for stopping random supers due to it's low speed. Can't be touch since it's low into the ground and does nice damage for a projectile. Opening matches with Earthquake is a very good idea, No one expects Juggernaut to use this as his main attacking force.

Juggernaut Punch: Mainly used to get close to your opponent. Your goal as a Juggernaut user is to get your opponent to back down in the corner to which you play mind games with them. Juggernaut punch will launch them to the opposite side of the screen with ease. Also, you can use Juggernaut punch to get yourself out of tight situations with Shotos. If your being pelted by an onslaught of hadoukens with no way you just simply Juggernaut punch out of there. This move also makes a great combo with his Super Head Crush.

Body Press: In my opinion, one of Jug's most useful moves. Since Juggernaut can't jump as well as the smaller characters, he is often stuck on the ground blocking or attacking. Well, Why not put Jumping and attacking into one?! Body Press [ Distance by Light, Med, and Fierce kick ] launches Juggernaut in the air towards the enemy bringing them as far back as he travels. Now the real use of this move is not to use on ground, but to use in the air. High Jump straight up with Juggernaut and use Body Press Fierce and he will travel about 70% of the screen. Thus making up for his poor high jumping abilities. Even if your hit during the press you are able to do it again in mid air. Great for cornering and for mobility across the screen.

Girder Thrust: Not really a good use for this move, Bad starting frames, Very slow, and doesn't do much damage. Though it is good since it reaches across the entire screen and keeps enemies in the corner where you want them. Can be use constant times to do some decent damage.

Citorak Power-up: Shouldn't be abused to often, you'll be accused of being a "Noob" or something. Basically makes Juggernaut the best character in sfo. His speed increases x2, Str increases to the point you don't even need Supers anymore, and you recover a small amount of HP. Cost only one Hyper bar. Very useful if used the right way.

Head Crush: Just a special. Goes across the whole screen, breaks regular projectiles, nice for bringing character across to corner and begin to play mind games.

Character Match ups

Vs Ryu: No one likes you Ryu >:[ Ryu is one of those characters everyone can't stop using because he punishes everyone.. Well, it's time we made a comeback on these Ryu users. Ryu is very fast, nice power, able to get out of most situations, and very persistent. Now Juggernaut obviously untrained will get demolished by Ryu very easily.. So the trick to beating Ryu is not to be offensive.. But defensive. Against a Hadouken massacre you need to be able to time your Juggernaut punch just right to keep Ryu on a physical game lvl. If any Ryu see's the chance they are going to abuse tornado kicks in the corner on Jug due to his size. This is what we want. Lure Ryu in and strike back with a Head Crush super. To keep Ryu users at bay consistently use his earthquake special. Keeps them on the edge since you don't everyday see Juggernaut using it. Stops all forms of RD and set's up for Juggernaut punch. To set up many oppertunities to use Juggernaut punch and Head Crush here is what you must do; If your facing off Ryu in a projectile fight only fire one earthquake at him, he'll most likely use another hadouken after words, then you punish with Juggernaut punch and then Head Crush him as he comes back down. All Ryu users high jump to get the edge on the opponent. As a Jug user do not concern yourself with high jumping so often. If you sense a high jump coming dash backwards to the location in which Ryu is headed and then use his Fierce Punch to reach him mid air. You may also use Body Press to stop Ryu in the middle of his high jump and begin to torment him in the corner. When faced against a Shinku Hadouken it's best to high jump Straight up and use Body Press to counter it. Even if your tapped by one of it's hits you can easily Body Press again and cancel out the special.

Vs Chun-li: Remember the time when no one used her? Back when it as fun to be odd and pick Chun-li? I know I do. However, her upgrades have made her one of the most over used characters in SFO today. Now Chun-li's fighting style makes her a close up fighter. To me, She's one of Juggernaut's easier match ups. Enough talk let's get started. Chun-li users are big on jumping in the air to begin her lightning kick attacks. Easy set up for Body Pressing her into the corner. Chun-li has her Super Energy Blast, one of Juggernaut's biggest counters. Knowing you have to keep close to her to damage her you must and I stress you need to use EarthQuake as one of your main sources of attack. Chun-li's tend to high jump to your back and use Super Energy Blast. Dash to the right and use EarthQuake to counter her. To counter her Super Lightning kick is relitively easy. High Jump and Body Press [Fierce]. If you want to do more then just escape her attack normal Jump and Body Press [Medium] and you'll end up right behind her, Thus being able to counter her with Head Crush or Using Citorak Power Up to gain a speed advantage. To put everything simply, out think Chun-li. You know she's be behind you in less then 2 minutes. So use your dash to your advantage. Dashing is the key to winning aganst Chun-li. EarthQuake stops her Super Energy Blast cold, Body Press aviods Super Lightning Kick with easy, and Head Crush cancels out Tornado Kick 100% of the time.

Ken Masters: Very predictable character in sfo if I might say so myself. So beating ken/Vindicated Evil Ken is very easy. Let's start on ken, all ken users lean towards a physical side of fighting then distance such as Ryu. So in this match up you have the advantage. Almost all of Juggernaut's moves cancel out ken's moves. To keep a nice distance use EarthQuake if you fear his upper cut specials. Your Head Crush cancels out his Shoryureppa special. Ken users just as Chun-li users tend to jump up close in your face for serious damage. No problem, Use your Double Punch to keep ken in the air and render him useless, Also stops his hadouken game since it is already at a low level as it is. Now Ken does have one plus side on Juggernaut, once your in the corner there is almost no way out when it comes to ken. He will punish your slow speed by consistently using Shinryuken while your in the corner, thus ending the match quick. To avoid this situation, simply Body Press out of the corner when held. And if you feel that this is not enough feel free to use Power Up for a speed advantage. Just because it heals ---- <- that much doesn't make it cheap. In my opinion it evens out the odds. Juggernaut Vs. Ken is probably a 50/50 match up. The fight can go either way.

Last edited by Tai on Sun Mar 21, 2010 1:55 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Citorak Rage. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Citorak Rage.   Citorak Rage. EmptySun Mar 14, 2010 10:34 pm

Very well-done and detailed guide. + rep Like a Star @ heaven

was this guide written by you?
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Citorak Rage. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Citorak Rage.   Citorak Rage. EmptyMon Mar 15, 2010 5:04 pm

Indica wrote:
Very well-done and detailed guide. + rep Like a Star @ heaven

was this guide written by you?

Yes.. I'm still adding more as I go along. I just don't have enough time to type every character at once.. Updated it by the way and I'm glad you like it.
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Citorak Rage. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Citorak Rage.   Citorak Rage. EmptyTue Mar 16, 2010 2:55 am

Its a damn detailed guide. i didnt read all of it yesterday but ill definatly get through it when im less busy.
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Citorak Rage. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Citorak Rage.   Citorak Rage. EmptyWed Mar 17, 2010 1:40 pm

Indica wrote:
Its a damn detailed guide. i didnt read all of it yesterday but ill definatly get through it when im less busy.

Alright. Glad to know someone's reading it. Though, what would I expect not many people like Juggernaut.
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Citorak Rage. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Citorak Rage.   Citorak Rage. EmptySun Mar 21, 2010 1:18 pm

Wow, you gave every detailed movement. Even the movement when he farts a little. Great Job and keep up the good work
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Citorak Rage. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Citorak Rage.   Citorak Rage. EmptySun Mar 21, 2010 1:56 pm

Updated...: Ken Masters.
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